I Stink At Blogging

I am so sorry I’ve been MIA for a little while. It has been one lazy summer, and when I say lazy, I mean laaaaazy.

My intentions for this summer when hubby took the summer off from work, was to go places, do things and have fun. Well, hubby had other plans. He stays gone and runs around alot, that his plans were to just relax and enjoy his vaction and do a few little projects. He has managed to do a few things with us. He had to go back to AR to just over see a 2 week project in an emergency situation. We got to go out there one weekend. It was the only mini vacation I’m gonna get this summer. Dear hubby and Dallas had boys day out one day and I went to the local State Park and got some water therapy. I stayed all day long til they finally got worried about me and came and checked on me. I’m just floating in the water on my float without a care in the world. 😁


The next day we just had an easy family day and went to find some put put golf, then out to eat at our favorite restaurant.


Dear hubby could have left and came on home, but I asked him to stay the weekend because he was paid up on rent until that Sunday, and it was going to be the only vacation I was gonna get. So we all came back together on that Sunday.

We got back into the swing of things when tragedy hit. One of his brothers was admitted to the hospital. He has been sick for a while and he started getting worse and his daughter had him admitted. She has been in nursing for 20 yrs out of high school and it paid off. For the most part. He was getting better when all of the sudden he just asked that everything, all treatments be stopped. He was simply tired of fighting and his body wore out. He only weighed 100 lbs in the hospital. This was so hard for his daughter,  David’s niece. She has taken care of him for 10 yrs. She has known for some time that he has been going down but she wasn’t giving up. However, she knew he was tired and give out. So she had to respect his wishes. They stopped all treatments and we thought we had at least a week at the most. We got a phone call from his niece saying the family needed to come in. He was going down fast. By that evening, he was gone. I’ve never seen someone take their last breath but that’s exactly what we did. His family was by his bedside and holding his hand, including their mother. I’m not sure how this affected Dallas. All I know is he has changed a little for the better. Dakota was on his way when he got off work but he passed 30 minutes before he got there.

Calvin never wanted a long drawn out funeral and his daughter, David and Nanny went to make the arrangements for his funeral. The visitation and grave side service was the same day.

The day in between his passing and the funeral, it was dear hubby’s birthday.  He was kind of in the mood to celebrate but not. He welcomed the distraction.  The kids came for supper and we gave him his gifts.


My momma and daddy came to visit one day and that was a good distraction for him. We realize how short life is with loved ones sometimes. Atleigh begged to stay with us the night of the funeral. She was glued to me all day. We welcomed the time. Caroline was running a low grade fever and just wanted mommy.


Dear hubby got out of his comfort zone one day and went swimming with us. He is just not a swimmer. He went through so much water training while he was in the military that he doesn’t enjoy it. He would rather be on a boat fishing.


This summer has been so different for us as far as gardening is concerned. My tomato plants look awful. We have never had trouble with our garden. Our weather has played a big role. We had s wet spring and early summer and everyone was late planting, then I battled deer eating my plants down and trying to come back.  I may have some and may not. The only things looking good is our peppers. We’re not the only ones. A lot of people have had trouble. I think the good Lord is just trying to tell me something this summer. Just slow down, relax, and try to recuperate.

So, the nurse from the cardiologist office calls me and tells me the result of all my tests they did. Nothing is mechanically wrong with my heart. There is no blockage no nothing. And my heart is not the source of the issues I am having. However I do skip beats occasionally and they discovered a congenital defect that I was born with. So finding this out at 48 yrs old blew my mind. I have an artery that is wired up wrong, its backwards. (best way I know to explain it). It overlaps the other two arteries but is not constricting or pinching off the others. It has never caused problems nor she said it probably want ever. I am the 4th case they have seen in their office with this.
As far as the clot goes, they will not remove it because it is in the deep vein and they fear damaging the vessel and me bleeding out since I’m on blood thinners. Also, it has solidified which means it’s not going anywhere so we are stuck like glue for the duration unless it becomes life threatening.
I still have one more test due to anemia. Anemia is a symptom of RA so I just have to deal with it. I believe that is my problem all along but we didnt want to take any chances.
For the past two yrs my red blood cells have been going down and when I was put on blood thinners, it made it a little worse. It can be brought back up, just takes a while. Some days are better than others. I will pray to get back to normal. This is another reason it has been a lazy summer. I just haven’t had the energy and that upsets me. I feel like I’ve missed out on all the fun this summer. I’m just trying to take one day at a time now.

This is what makes me feel better when I look at my garden:


School is fixing to start back and I’m not ready. We will have a Jr and he will start driving himself to school. I’ve already started praying.

Our daughter in law has decided to go ahead and go back to school this fall. I had a feeling she could not wait til next spring.  She just cant sit still and do nothing. She wants to be learning and get her career going. She has decided to go to nursing school. She meets with a school counselor tomorrow. I will have the girls again when she goes back. Maybe that will get me back in the groove.

As far as today goes, I’m headed outside to just get some fresh air and just work lightly in my flower beds.

Hope you enjoy your day.

About 4dfarms

I am a wife to an amazingly dedicated, devoted, and loyal husband whom God sent to me. I am a mother to two wonderful boys to whom I'd give my life for. Around here we have homeschooled, we farm, garden, hunt, fish and anything else we want to do. Although I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sometimes its hard for me to keep up. If it was not for my husband and two boys, I could not do some of what I do. They really do help me alot. We work together as a team in my home. We try our best to train up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Yea, they slip sometimes and correction has to be made. Thats life. I want so badly to be just like the Proverbs 31 woman. My grandmother did an awesome job of it and Id like to fill her shoes.
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2 Responses to I Stink At Blogging

  1. craftingalsal says:

    Loved reading your post! I pray you feel better soon, and that you can still enjoy the rest of the summer!


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