Thank the Lord Ive learned to be patient

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pardtx0tx959tx1918tx2877tx3836tx4795tx5754tx6713tx7672tx8631f1fs20 Well I have finally learned to be patient with the progress on the property. I had to pray really hard and the Lord helped me. Ive just turned it over to him and Ive just said what ever gets done today, Good, and what ever doesnt, doesnt. Maybe tomorrow. Ive just been pouring myself into school and teaching my boys. I havent even rode over there to Look. Tonight I get a report from dear hubby that the sewer is in and were waiting on gravel for our driveway. The Lord got that one done for us. And I wasnt even worried about it. Maybe at the end of this week we should have power. If not, Oh well. I want worry. After everything is done, we will move in slowly. its too hot to do everything in one day. We will take a few boxes at a time after school and unpack them a little at a time. This weekend, I want to at least go clean something. ha.
Dakota had his first ball game last night, He played two games actually. Hes going to be good in football by the end of the season. Theres alot he has to learn. I dont know the first thing about football.  Dakotas little girlfriend is a cheer leader for another team. If he would have seen her lastnight he would have been stumbling all over hisself. ha. He is so funny.
Dallas is getting better in soccer. There kickoff will be Sept. 15th.
Tomorrow, it is a trip to the Library. We will do school there and then eat at Burger King. Yea.
Mother in laws surgery went fine. David babied her alot while she was in the hosp. He fed her all the time. His sister said she wished she would have had a picture.
Well its late, it was my turn to get on the computer. Now everyone is in bed. Ha.
My girls (goats) are still fine. The other day, Tisha was chasing her and she ran to me again for protection, right up in my lap. Need I remind you that she is getting to be a big girl now and weighs more than she did. But you cant tell her that. Ha. Shes the spoiled one alright.
Well gotta go now, my eyes are getting droopy.
Hope everyone has a nice day. Im going to because Im not going to worry about a thing. Thanks everyone for praying, I finally have peace of mind and a little more patience.
pardsb100sa100f0fs24 ]]> par

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Welcome to my blog. I am the Keeper of My Home here at 4D Farms. We are all about Faith, Family, Home and Farm. Here you will find posts about Homemaking, Gardening, Canning and Preserving, Homesteading, Homeschooling, Parenting Marriage, Cooking, Baking, Sewing, and so much more. I hope to become a Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 woman like my mother and her mother before her. Come along and see what we are all about. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to sign up for my email list so you will be notified every time a post is published. Thank you.
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6 Responses to Thank the Lord Ive learned to be patient

  1. par - par says:

    – <![CDATA[ par
    pardtx0tx959tx1918tx2877tx3836tx4795tx5754tx6713tx7672tx8631f1fs20 Ah, those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength……patience too! LOL. It's good to hear that your MIL made it through her surgery well. We'll be praying for her quick recovery. par
    pardsb100sa100f0fs24 ]]> par


  2. MiryClay says:

    Ah, those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength……patience too! LOL. It's good to hear that your MIL made it through her surgery well. We'll be praying for her quick recovery.



  3. par - par says:

    – par


  4. reelmomof4 says:

    Praise God for the ability to give it over to him – Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you, and also, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! have a blessed week! Tammy


  5. par - par says:

    – <![CDATA[ par
    pardtx0tx959tx1918tx2877tx3836tx4795tx5754tx6713tx7672tx8631f1fs20 Hurray! Great attitude! I will continue to pray for the property and your change of heart… and comfort of mind. Glad to see that everyone is doing just fine! Have a great day.par
    pardsb100sa100f0fs24 ]]> par


  6. socalval says:

    Hurray! Great attitude! I will continue to pray for the property and your change of heart… and comfort of mind. Glad to see that everyone is doing just fine! Have a great day.



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